Copyright 2005 -- Rachel Saunders

Edo: Old Tokyo's Imperial Palace

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Above: Near the entrance to the Edo Imperial Palace East Gardens. Most of the Imperial palace is closed... except for the gardens.

Left: The guard tower reflected in the moat where giant fish and turtles swim and beg for handouts.

Right: Joshy J near a giant defensive door near the Imperial Palace.

Journal Continued:
Nearby, also within Angkor Thom, we saw two other structures. The terrace of elephants and the terrace of the leper king. The terrace of elephants was so named as the entire structure has a series of bas-relief elephants parading around the circumference. They also have elephants at the corners, their trunks creating graceful columns to support the platform. From this platform long ago, Angkor's kings would hold its public ceremonies.
Above: Josh and Cristel Near the palace during sakura season.

Right: More palace views from the street-- where the pleebs are.

Below: JJ san in the Imperial gardens with modern Tokyo in the background.

Journal Continued:
Nearby, also within Angkor Thom, we saw two other structures. The terrace of elephants and the terrace of the leper king. The terrace of elephants was so named as the entire structure has a

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thorm. From this platform long ago, Angkor's kings would hold its public ceremonies.