Copyright 2005 -- Rachel Saunders

A Festival in the Hood!

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Above: Rachel amidst a crowd of revelers celebrating something... I am not sure what. But whatever it is ... people are drinking and drinking and drinking.

Left: one of the festival platforms with drums and party goers.

Right: Josh surrounded in the festivities. A pretty little girl in a kimono in the foreground.

Journal Continued:
Nearby, also within Angkor Thom, we saw two other structures. The terrace of elephants and the terrace of the leper king. The terrace of elephants was so named as the entire structure has a series of bas-relief elephants parading around the circumference. They also have elephants at the corners, their trunks creating graceful columns to support the platform. From this platform long ago, Angkor's kings would hold its public ceremonies.
Above: Waiting for the parade to begin, a woman has but a can of beer and a few friends to keep her company.

Right: What a party!

Journal Continued:
Nearby, also within Angkor Thom, we saw two other structures. The terrace of elephants and the terrace of the leper king. The terrace of elephants was so named as the entire structure has a series of bas-relief elephants parading around the circumference. They also have elephants at the corners, their trunks creating graceful columns to support the platform. From this platform long ago, Angkor's kings would hold its public ceremonies.
Above: Waiting for the parade to begin, this time it is me and I only have a bottle of water to keep me company.

Right: At the lantern festival. Paper samurai lanterns light up the city streets.

Left: At most of these street festivals there is a lot of food. Their version of hush puppies with octapus tentacles sticking out, corn on the cob, grilled skewered chicken, salted skewered fish, okonmiaki (sort of like an omelet with fish inside), and much much more. As you can imagine, JJ spent a lot of time in search of the festivals.

Below: Young gals in kimono dress and cotton candy!

so named as the entire structure has a

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