Copyright 2005 -- Rachel Saunders
The Perfume Pagoda--> Previous --> Next --> Home --> More Adventures --> vietnam Index |
28th, 2005: |
Continued: By the time that you reach the cave, you are soaked with sweat and grateful for every second that you can spend in the cool of the limestone cave. Within the cave are a series of altars to buddha. All along the way, vendors are selling sugarcane juice, cold water and a few minutes sitting in front of an electric fan. The fan proved most popular. |
Above: The
boats lined up at the foot of the pagoda along the river waiting for their
tourists to return from their pilgrimage. Left: A lovely lady on her way to the pagoda. She curiously dropped a 200 Dong bill in the river every few hundred yards. I was told that it was meant to protect the boat from Crocs, however that could have been a joke. Below: Jon and Cristel, waiting to get in our boat and head to the pagoda. |
Above: A full view of Akbar's tomb. It was originally designed by Akbar himself, but the plans were altered considerably by his devout muslim son Jehangir.
Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst
the pleasant grounds. : |
Left: Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst the pleasant grounds. : |
Continued: The actual pagoda was closer to the bottom of the mountain... an elaborate temple with many different altars and buildings. In the center of the courtyard was a giant urn within which a fire was burning and a young man was dropping pieces of paper painted red and gold into the fire. There were several monks dressed in their brown robes tending the temple grounds. All of this was pretty spectacular, and yet the most memorable part was slowly passing down the meandering river in a boat that was barely an inch above the water... one man paddling away without stopping for an hour while his load, 4 tourists and one guide, outweighed him by about 400 pounds at least. |
Above: A bell
tucked away inside the limestone cave. Left: A monk, preparing the altar for the worshippers coming to pay their respects. Below: The altar with Buddhas, flowers, candles, lights, etc. ce to grow up... |
Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst
the pleasant grounds. |
Left: Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst the pleasant grounds. : |
Right: A closeup
of a baby monkey who resides full time on the verdant grounds of Akbar's
tomb. Not a bad place to grow up... |
Left: A view
from the top of the Perfume Pagoda with the mountains and the meandering
river in the distance. Above: Colorful papers being burned in a giant urn by a young man. Below: In the fields surrounding the pagoda, there is no rest for the weary. |
Left: Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst the pleasant grounds. : |
Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst
the pleasant grounds. : |
Left: Contemplating life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst the pleasant grounds. : |
Left: Contemplating
life no doubt, two gentlemen sit outside of the tomb amongst the pleasant
grounds. : Right: A closeup of a baby monkey who resides full time on the verdant grounds of Akbar's tomb. Not a bad place to grow up... |
Right: A closeup
of a baby monkey who resides full time on the verdant grounds of Akbar's
tomb. Not a bad place to grow up... --> Previous --> Next --> Home --> More Adventures --> vietnam Index |